This is a collection of the weekly ABC-collumn in the Springstof.
What's the ABC (Anarchist Black Cross ?)
The ABC is a federation of autonomous groups whose work aims eventually to abolish definitely the penitentiary system. The penitentiary system has turned into an industry and rather than consi-dering it as a single-issue politics apart from the harms of this society, we consider it as the most extreme point of domination and control over the class society. It takes absolutely part of the war between classes and as anarchists, we view it as an instrument of political balance for the system. Therefore, the ABC Federation basically supports prisoners who've been incarcerated because of their involvings into struggles opposing various forms of oppression such as liberalism, fascism, the weapon industry or the destruction of environment (...) As well, the ABC -tries- to offer support to those being imprisoned as victims of these various forms of oppression such as "illegal" people, wo-men who killed a rapist or a violent partner, as well as people being victim of judicial or police frame- up...It also gets involved in local or international campaigns and offers financial help to pri-soners for their defence or political activities in jail. The ABC-Utrecht spreads infos weekly in the Springstof, casually in the Paria Collective newsletter and monthly through a bulletin. Send a stamp to recieve these publications. We encourage readers to write to prisoners and propose a flyer "Writing to prisoners" if you write for the first time as well as a list of prisoners' addresses.
ABC-Utrecht : c/o Paria Collective, Postbus 1332, 3500 BH Utrecht, Netherlands