No to the US Colonism's persecutions : Free Leonard Peltier !!

"In the spirit of Crazy Horse, for indigenous people's rights"

Leonard Peltier is an American Indian Chippewa/Lakota sentenced twice for life after being ch- arged with the murder of two FBI agents in 1975. Before being arrested, he remained one of the most active member of the AIM (American Indian Movement) struggling for indigenous people's rights in the US and above the murder of these two agents, it is first of all his political involvings in an anti-US movement that doomed him to become a convict. Indeed, Leonard is part of the numerous political prisoners who suffered the investigations of the COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program),a wide program destinated to get rid of any "subversive" organization and launched in the late 60's by the FBI.

These two agents whose murder Leonard was charged for had entered the Indian reserve of Pine Ridge shooting at the activists of the AIM and though even prosecutors recognized that it was materially impos- sible for Leonard to kill them, the court decided to maintain its verdict. No witness or anybody else could ever prove that Peltier fired a shot and prosecutor Lynn Cooks himself declares today that "they have no idea of who is the real murderer". But Peltier was there when these two agents got killed and his involvings made of him an ideal suspect... and prisoner. The court is definitely determined not to grant him a new trial in spite of the proves that make him innocent and we see then that its will remains summed to keep Peltier in jail till he's not able any more to struggle for Indians !!! Amnesty International, the European, Belgian and Italian parlements, Nelson Mandela, Rage against the machine or even Robert Redford have required his release but such a humane gest would represent one more threat for the US-White imperialism and domination over other US ethnicities. It's throughout this perspective of white supremacy that the US jails are 90% filled up with Black, Latinos or Indian population while these ethnic minorities only represent 25% of the all US population together with the Asian one that covers 3,2%...As well, 95% of executions in the US are pronounced against these same minorities, what plainly illustrates the policy of the US govern- ment regarding "justice" and the share of resources : maintaining an inequality serving the interests of Whites and jailing as much as possible those who reject it under any way of expression. The technocrates of the penitentiary industry will do well to turn them into cheap labour for their industries...But above the hierarchy of classes, it is absolutely an ethnic hierarchy of classes that dominates the US society and the re-emergence of the phenomenon of White supremacy is there to remember it to us.

Furthermore, Leonard Peltier lately made a declaration calling militants outside to focus in priority on Mumia Abu-Jamal's case, like many other US prisoners did because they think that saving Mumia is a

big step towards the liberation of Blacks and for the resistance to White supremacy :

"From Leavenworth penitentiary, State of Kansas, October 22nd 1999,

Salutations to my friends and supporters, I was choked and disgusted to hear that Governor Tom Ridge

signed again an execution warrant last October 13th for Mumia. I know what Mumia can feel at this mo- ment and I'd like to leave a message :"Please ! Hang on Brother ! People are doing their best to save you."

To all those who fight for Mumia, it's up to you to maintain enough pression to win this challenge and ma- ke justice. Raise your voice ! Without your support the federal courts will sweep the rest in one time like usually. Faced with the threat to Mumia's life, you must react fast and always with self-control and clever ness. You must show to the rest of the world that you're ready to stop the execution of Mumia. Because Mumia's case is outrageous and thanx to his amazing ability to find the words that describe the best a lot of our reality and heavily worrying topics such as the justice system or death penalty where political prisoners are in the foreground. We need Mumia being free so that he keeps contributing to the change of a society that disgraduates life, justice and freedom.

United we'll save Mumia...In the spirit of crazy horse," Leonard Peltier

However or maybe to precise the meaning of these words, we cannot forget all those who suffer in jailthe domination of this system. We, as revolutionary anarchists, won't be satisfied by releasing Mumia unlike some of his support groups' members who don't have any problem with eating by Mc Donalds' -true-. We' re conscious that Mumia's case is linked to big stakes and that the mobilization in his favormanaged to win some challenges like last November where world-wide protests pushed the Supreme Court to cancel the warrant of December 2nd and accepts to review features possibly for a new trial, yet no more. The mobilization in favor of Mumia must not become a myth but the expression of our all will to break down the entire penitentiary industry. Because for example in the US there's not only Mumia Abu Jamal but 2 millions prisoners victim of a justice system that studies this market in details to purify politically and socially the country -we won't tell you about the profits it makes from it in this issue-

Leonard is currently incarcerated in Kansas but unfotunately, we don't have his exact address. For more information about his case and the AIM, you can contact his defence committee at :

Leonard Peltier Defence Committee, PO BOX 583, Lawrence, Kansas 66044, USA or the Actiecomite Leonard Peltier, Brederostr. 28, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium.


The ABC - Utrecht calls for participation !!!

For people coming from Utrecht, meeting point at the central station at 1.00pm

More information at Actiegroep Free Peltier : 06-221 46 005

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What's the ABC (Anarchist Black Cross ?)

The ABC is a federation of autonomous groups whose work aims eventually to abolish definitely the penitentiary system. The penitentiary system has turned into an industry and rather than consi-dering it as a single-issue politics apart from the harms of this society, we consider it as the most extreme point of domination and control over the class society. It takes absolutely part of the war between classes and as anarchists, we view it as an instrument of political balance for the system. Therefore, the ABC Federation basically supports prisoners who've been incarcerated because of their involvings into struggles opposing various forms of oppression such as liberalism, fascism, the weapon industry or the destruction of environment (...) As well, the ABC -tries- to offer support to those being imprisoned as victims of these various forms of oppression such as "illegal" people, wo-men who killed a rapist or a violent partner, as well as people being victim of judicial or police frame- up...It also gets involved in local or international campaigns and offers financial help to pri-soners for their defence or political activities in jail. The ABC-Utrecht spreads infos weekly in the Springstof, casually in the Paria Collective newsletter and monthly through a bulletin. Send a stamp to recieve these publications. We encourage readers to write to prisoners and propose a flyer "Writing to prisoners" if you write for the first time as well as a list of prisoners' addresses.

ABC-Utrecht : c/o Paria Collective, Postbus 1332, 3500 BH Utrecht, Netherlands