Winter 2000

Hello ! Here is the first list of the Paria Collective and ABC-Utrecht mailorder. We hope this list will grow up to offer a wider variousness of litterature and music to sati- sfy the tastes of each. This mailorder is totally run on a DIY way and will re-invest the money that moves on to grow itself, to finance the realization of pamphlets -as well as the Paria Newsletter- and to distribute as many things as possible for free to offer the easiest access to information for all. All benefits go to prisoners. For now, everything is for 1¦ +post- age except precisions. Free for prisoners. Trades are even more welcome !! Please send one stamp if you wanna recieve this list. Give also alter- natives in the case we do not have anymore what you or- dered. Precise also if you wanna be paid back, or if you rather leave a credit for future orders.


# Paria Collective Infoletter #1: zine of the collective Paria -in english- with infos about the Basque Country, Report on anti-vivisection action, war in Kosovo, retention centers in Holland, Warsore interview.... 16 pages. Distros, get in touch !!!

# Paria Collective Infoletter #2: still from the same collec- tive -in english- with infos about the Human Genome Pro- ject, Draft evaders, the consequences of the transnational economy : violence in Indonesia, Anarchism in Turkey, Groen Front interview, the profits of the penitentiary industry

-infos of the ABC Utrecht-, Solidarity : How much does it cost ?, WTO : formalities for doomsday. 40 pages. Distros, get in touch !!!

# Dusnieuws: paper of the collective EuroDusnie -in Dutch- monthly publication with infos about political and economic- al topical issues, actions, etc.

# Subkomyx #6: Mexican subversive comic zine -in spanish- 2¦

# SubversiveZine Comix #1: Subversive comic zine -in german- 2¦

# Counter Information : periodical nieuwsbrief -in engli- sh- about burning issues like East Timor, WTO summit in Koln, political prisoners, biotechnology, Chiapas, short news, etc. Free price + one stamp for postage.

# Earth First! Up Date : monthly nieuwsbrief of the UK network of EF!

# En La Calle #22 : left-wing paper from Argentina(=Dutch Ravage)-in spanish- with infos about threat on civil asso- ciation, political repression in Argentina, the student move- ment, revolutionnary workers against globalization, etc.

# Introduction on Anarchism and Activism in Holland : little pamphlet brought out by the Paria Collective and that

will probably satisfy all foreigners who question us about this

topic !!

#Xenotransplantatie ter discussie : brochure of the Werk-

groep about transplantation from animals to human beings,

the business and the risks it might represent, the animal slaughter it causes and the absence of ethics in this process and modern science -in dutch-

# Go on Girl/ Self-defense for Women : A practical introduction to self-defense for Women -in english-

# Kraakhandleiding : national guide for squatting. Pretty


# ADV Nieuwsbrief : Nieuwsbrief of the collective Alle

Dieren Vrij with infos, reports on actions, opinion texts,etc.

-in Dutch-

# Axiom / Establishing a culture of resistance : DIY anar- chopunk zine from the band Axiom -in english- with infos about political prisoners, anti-capitalism and alternatives,...Great initiative from this anarcho-punk band from Portland !!

# Lost dreams #3 : Poetry zine about anarchism -in english-

# Animal Liberation Front Support Groep #4 : Paper of the Dutch ALF Support Group -in dutch- with infos about Justin Samuel, Animal rights gathering in Norway, Hillgrove Farm, etc.

# Alert ! #3: Nieuwsbrief of the Dutch Anti-Fascist Action -in dutch-

ABC Documentation

# Freiheit fur die politischen gefangenen - March 1999: Paper of the federation Rote Hilfe -in german- with infos about kurdish prisoners, anti-immigration repression, amnesty for political prisoners, Palestina, etc.

# ABC-Gent/ Nieuwsbrief : Monthly bulletin -in dutch- with infos about various political prisoners, actions, contacts, etc. Free price + one stamp for postage.

# ABC-Innsbruck/ Nieuwsbrief : Similar monthly bulletin -in german- Free price + one stamp for postage.

# Vrijheid voor Mark Barnsley ! : little pamphlet co-made by the ABC-Gent and the Paria Collective for the action-day on 15th of November in support to Mark Barnsley then incar cerated for 2000 days !! Contains infos about his case + cont- acts for action (...)-in dutch- Free price + one stamp for po- stage.

# ABC-Utrecht weekly publication : the ABC-Utrecht pu-

blishes weekly in the Springstof some infos focusing every- times on a different topic concerning political prisoners and

repression. Contact us if you wanna recieve it weekly. Free


# Justice for Mark Barnsley ! : Campaign bulletin of his support committee. Regular publication. + postcards enqui-

red to the UK "Home" minister and a recent declaration from

Mark about revolutionary solidarity available for one stamp.

# Stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal : flyer expos- ing his case. This flyer will let you keep on contact with "Friends of Mumia" that will inform you regularly about his situation and call for action. FREE + one stamp for postage.

+posters "Free Mumia" and "Insult Tom Ridge" avail- able. Up to you for the price !!

# Ali Khali Abdullah/ Texts from Michigan prisons : pamphlet written by Ali Khali Abdullah, political prisoner incarcerated in Michigan. Texts about the penitentiary industry in the US, the necessity of revolutionnary actions, racism in the US Justice system, etc. Very interesting and complete -in dutch- 2¦

# The Greatest Conspiracy against anarchists in Italy in

the second half of the century : Introduction to the waves

of repression that have hit the Italian Anarchist movement

since the beginning of the struggle against the TAV (part of the European project of railway network)by the ABC-Dijon. Part 2 by the ABC-Utrecht + letters from Silvano, imprison- ed for 2 years following the repression of this struggle. Free price + one stamp for postage

# Interview of the "Cellules Communistes Combattantes" by the ABC-Gent -in english- 2¦

# Solidariteitsgroep Politieke Gevangenen/ Nieuwsbrief : irregular pamphlet about repression and political prisoners. In the issue from December, some infos about Horst Meyer and Andrea Wolf and the repression of guerilla movements, Ocalan/ Kurdistan, a biography of Action Directe, Eurotop in Sweden, last news from Mumia...2¦ -in dutch & english-

# "Writing to prisoners": flyer of the ABC that will advise you about how to write to a prisoner if you write for the first time and need help. FREE + one stamp for postage

# Contact list of ABC groups and other groups supporting political prisoners available for free + postage


# ABC benefit compilation : with 20' de chaos, Container

Crusties...15 bands support the ABC. 10¦

# Rot / Abuso Sonoro : Live in De Vismarkt - October 1999. Benefit tape to promote the venue of Third World countries bands in Europe. 5¦ (Paria Collective Rec.)

# Geest - Non profit Disco Dance : First EP of this Dutch DIY Sound system. 5¦

# Chaotic Grinder : Live demo tape with nice leaflet. Ori- ginal melodious grind core. Benefit to ABC + prisoners 5¦ (Paria Collective Rec.)

# Container Crusties From Hell / Mihoen : split EP not out yet but soon so get in touch !!! (Paria Collective & Maloka Rec.) Fast heavy crust-core/ fast punk from Utrecht.

# Mihoen/Cockroach : split EP (De Mok Rec.) of these two Dutch bands, fast punk for one/ fast & heavy HC for the other

¥ P O S T A G E ¥

For the Netherlands and European Community : count 1,80 ¦ for 1 zine/ 1 EP/ 1 LP/ and tape.

For outside EU : count 2,8¦ for the same orders.

¥ P A Y M E N T ¥

Can be made by cheque or postal order to "David Lerceteau" or by well-hidden cashes (only NL ¦'s or US $ please). Non-

used NL stamps welcome as payment.



Infos - Zines - Music