To keep busy-minded and busy-acting...
Do or Die : periodical fat booklet, very complete with a lot of contacts, infos, reports, analyses, etc.c/o South Downs EF ! PO BOX 2971, Brighton BN2 2TT, UK.
ALF supporters group : c/o BCM Box 1160, London WC 1N 3XX, UK.
Dare to care : little infoletter from this collective from the Philippines including reports of their directactions and activities that will confrontate you with another reality. Support them !! c/o Aris, 110 Cataquiz Residence Sto. Nino St., San Pedro, Laguna, 4023 The Philippines.
People's Global Action : Internet site that will inform you about People's upcoming actions againsteconomic globalization and that provides infos about this bloody topic. c/o
Ecodefence ! : Russian environmental action-info group. c/o Moskovsky prospekt 120-34236006, Kaliningrad/ Koenigsburg, Russia.
Tutto squat : Zine of the Torinese squatters. c/o Asilo occupato via Alessandria 12, Torino, Italy.
Political Prisoners of War Coalition : political movement of US prisoners within the Michigan's pe-nitentiary system. c/o PPWC Information Center, PO BOX 554, Lincoln, MA 01773, USA.
Now Future : magazine dealing with civilian peace groups and independent press in former Yugoslavia (in dutch). c/o Tammo Hoeksema, Cremerstraat 369, 3532 BT Utrecht, NL.
Brand : anarchic zine from Sweden. c/o Brand Box 150 15s-104 65, Stockholm, Sweden.
Hunt Saboteurs Association : If you also can't bear any of these backward male killing for pleisure,contact : PO BOX 2786, Brighton BN2 2AX, UK.
Green Anarchist : Paper reporting a lot of actions around the world with a quite illegal tendence rem-inding of primitive anarchism. Provides good feelings anf ideas !! c/o BCM 1715, London WC 1N 3XX.
Tegen de Stroom : "Anti-stalinist, non-leninist revolutionnary libertarian magazine" published in 3 languages (english, dutch and turkish) and dealing with various topics (genetic engineering, politicalprisoners, Kosovo crisis, etc). c/o Blasiusstraat 118 HS, 1091 CX Amsterdam, NL.
Frontnieuws : infoletter of the dutch branch of Earth First ! c/o PO BOX 85069, 30508 AB Utrecht, NL.